
Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

I know it's been a while,trust me,I KNOW!!!Ugh I'm here for such a short period of time,but it feels like ages already...according to my best friend it's because I have associated Thessaloniki and being here with all those nasty feelings about failure and still being a student,etc.Who knows,self-psychology is not my thing(even though I'm pretty good at psychoanalysing every other person in this world ;)).Thankfully(?) my exam period is almost over,I've got one more exam coming tomorrow and then the final one on Thursday and then I'm done!Woohoo!!At this point,I don't even care how I did/'ll do,I just wanna be done with it!
Ladies,I've seen all the wonderful things you've posted over this past week,week and a half,but I've been very busy with studying and couldn't leave you comments like I planned.You all make such fine pieces of work you both inspire and intimidate the hell out of me ;) I can't wait to see what you all have been doing for the album swap,and hopefully what I'll see won't discourage me of taking part in the next one ;)
Hopefully till soon!!!



  1. Ειρήνη μου καλή επιτυχία κ στα υπόλοιπα!! Περνάνε οι μέρες!!! Με το καλό να επιστρέψεις!

  2. Ειρήνη καλή επιτυχία και από μένα στα μαθήματα που θα δώσεις και καλά αποτελέσματα σ' αυτά που έδωσες.Υπομονή, σε λίγες μέρες θα έχεις χρόνο για scrapping!

  3. Eιρήνη μας!!!μας έλειψες!
    καλή επιτυχία αύριο και με το καλό να επιστρέψεις!
