Hello everybody.This layout is probably the longest layout in the making I've ever had.I started gathering the papers I wanted to use for this photo,right after I finished the previous layout(and I literally mean right after) and then...I was lost!!!I cut my patterned paper one way,I cut it a different way(always ending up with smaller pieces lol) but nothing...nothing struck me as right,nothing seemed ok.I was becoming more and more frustrated with it(more than once I had the urge to take both the papers and the photo and tear it into little pieces).What made it even worse is the fact that I love this specific photo and when I found it I couldn't wait to play with it!
Then all of a sudden I remembered a map with sketches I had downloaded a while back from
Scrapbooksetc.Turned out that was my salvation,since I found the perfect sketch in there!!Look at me,the person who used to shun sketches now can't scrap without them...gotta love the irony!!
Here's my play on sketch
#128.My camera isn't very good,so the colours look a bit muted,they are very vibrant(closer to the ones in the last picture).I hope you like it!