This post has nothing to do with scrapping but it's my baby's first birthday since starting a blog so I guess I better do right by him and do a post about it :)
I can't believe it's been 8 years since I first held him,so tiny and helpless and cute!He's still cute,somewhat helpless(not the brightest in the bunch) but deff not tiny anymore!!!Especially this year there were moments I wasn't sure we'd even get to celebrate his 8th birthday,since he has diabetes and for a while things weren't going great for us.But I'm happy to announce that not only did we reach his 8th birthday,but we also reached it with him being under full control with his meds,so that gives us hope for a 9th,10th and many more birthdays hopefully!
Moretje,this is your day so enjoy it and relax :)Happy,happy birthday!