Fortunatelly life never is short of excuses and reasons to scrap,and this was no exception.My dear,dear friend Mary had her beatiful baby boy last Monday and of course,that's reason enough not only to celebrate but to scrap as well!
It started on Monday itself when my friend Eudokia and I made this diaper cake as a present for Mary.We were a little nervous,because neither of us had ever done something like this before,but it turned out to be pretty easy and lots of fun!We caught the diaper cake fever and now we only need a new pregnant friend ;) I think the result came out rather cute,and Mary said she liked it so mission accomplished ;)

Of course a card with my wishes for the baby couldn't be missed!!!I had decided to make another type of card(using the Kirigami technique) but after I made it I wasn't impressed.The card was beatiful(the insert that is) but I had made it on thin paper(because I thought that would be better,in order to do the folding etc) and the weight was too much.I tried correcting it,but there was no saving it,so here I was,a few hours before we would go see Mary and card-less...So off to Youtube for inspiration.Luckily the 'tube is full of wonderfull scrappers,who are kind and gracious enough not only to share their work with us,but give us tutorials as well.One of those wonderfull scrappers I always seem to be going back to is Dawn.She is such an inspiration,and she's shown me some incredible things I can do with cardstock and patterned paper!
Anyway I decided to go for the Shutter card.It looks really complicated but is really easy to make.Of course I made it my own,using baby oriented patterned paper and cute stickers!I hope you like it,but most of all I hope Mary liked it!
Mary I wish you and your wonderful family all the best.I hope you'll enjoy so many sweet,happy,warm,loving memories with your two little boys and you'll let us witness it all through your beautiful scrap-work!!!